Mt. Pleasant Cemetery
- Curtis+ Mildred N., May 19, 1945--Oct. 28, 1973
- Curtis Carlos, February 8, 1930--
- Harris John, September 14, 1866--rest egible
- Shoemaker George A., Nbveipber 28, 1844--Sept. 10, 1906
- Wynn Lisa Carol, born & died 1971
- Curtis Beecham, April 13, 1904--Oct. 13, 1960
- Curtis Guy, 1897-1969
- Noel Robert Earl, 1910-1976
- Noel Harry, March 10, 1900--Jan. 10, 1969
- Boyd Paul H., born & died 1917, moved from Cem. #23, grave 26
- Boyd Ora B., born & died 1901, moved from Cem. #23, grave 25
- Pollard+ Fannie Fox, March 10, 1875--Oct. 15, 1945
- Pollard James, Sept. 12, 1865--August 9, 1943
- Baker+ Melinda, wife of TL, Nov. 30, 1802--Jan. 29, 1871
- Baker Elder T.L., April 3, 1801@-January 17, 1870
- Baker Thomas L., Jan. 16, 1838--June 15, 1858
- Baker Alec A., no date --
- Baker Elizabeth H., wife of AA, no date
- Baker Thomas L., Jan. 5, 1858--Feb. 5, 1865, son of A & MC
- Curtis+ Arvie Mason, Aug. 7, 1882--May 7, 1956
- Curtis Valley, August 9, 1894--May l@, 1979
- Brayboy M.A., wife of WH, March 12, '1852--ilarch 1, 1879
- Figgins Mary Lois Noel, Sept. 16, 1919--Nov. 15, 1971
- Noel Martha Hazel, August 16, 1929--March 19, 1930
- Noel Bobby Jewell, dau. of Boyce, Feb. 25--Oct. 1, 1933
- Noel Redginald, Oct. 19, 1886--August 21, 1974
- Radford+ Anna, Feb. 20, 1909--
- Radford Joe C., April 16, 190 --April 6, 1973
- Lancaster+ R. Wilford, Sept. 19, 1873--Dec. 31, 1940
- Lancaster Lou Della, Feb. 25, 1877--Feb. 24, 1965
- Lancaster Shirley Ann, dau. of R & T, Dec. 16, 1936--Dec. 21, 1940
- Lancaster+ Robert L., Dec. 25, 1906--
- Lancaster Tressie R., June 10, 1907--Oct. 27, 1971
- Stalons William B., 1869-1948
- Stalons infant son of CH & E, born & died March 18, 1927
- Baker *John F., Co. G., 4th KY Inf. C.S.A., no date
- Noel Otis, 1899-1960
- Noel + Alonzo, 1864-1927
- Noel + Grace, 1865-1925
- Cunningham+ Ora Noel, March 15, 1908--Nov. 11, 1946
- Cunningham Carmon A., April 7, 1907--May 25, 1969
- McIntosh infant dau. of WU & ME, born & died Aug. 14, 1898
- Ingram Lloyd Ray, son of FS & Bettie, July 26, 1889--Dec. 28, 1904
- Thomas Mary Jane Ingram, 1884-1906
- Moore Frances Noel, April 21, 1938--April 19, 1964
- Noel Charles Owen, Sept. 23, 1945--Nov. 8, 1970
- Noel Marvin B., born & died 1937
- Gray+ Esker Owen, 1895-1976
- Gray+ Beulah, 1900-1937
- Gray Lillie May, August 15, 1894--
- Colson Garnett T., 1922-1923
- Colson Albert Thomas, 1894-1970
- Colson + Nila C., 1898--
- Keel Thomas J., October @, 1859--March 8, 1938
- Keel Mary E., Jan. 1, 1837--Jan. 6, 1909
- Keel + John R., March 13, 1837--Oct. 29, 1908
- Noel W.J., Jan. 5, 1862--Aug. 23, 1905
- Noel+ Nannie, Nov. 28, 1871--July 21, 1905
- Noel William T., son of ER & MV, Sept. 16, 1914--Jan. 30, 1915
- Noel infant son of Floyd & Grace, born & died 1927
- Noel Boyce Wade, Nov. 27, 1921--March 8, 1928
- Noel infant dau. of Floyd & Grace, born & died 1939
- Noel, Ivy Pauline, Aug. 24, 1919--May 7, 1948
- Baker Mary Lamkin, 1869-1945
- Akemon Kenneth Jr., October 26-28, 1947
- Akemon+ Kenneth, Jan. 1, 1922--Feb. 16, 1969
- Akemon Erlene, December 16, 19241--
- Baker + Charles Thomas, Nov. 17, 1879--Feb. 12, 1964
- Baker Bettie G., May 2, 18-85--May 20, 1966
- Marquess + Thomas P., March 28, 1913--Nov. 16, 1966
- Marquess Ruth B., Jan. 17, 1911--
- Marquess Nina Elizabeth, Nov. 24, 1944--Dec. 23, 1945
- Gray Herbert, Pvt. W.W.II, April 20, 1912--Oct. 26, 1972
- Gray+ Ocia B., Jan. 20, 1889--July 13, 1927
- Gray Lucian W., Feb. 19, 1884--Feb. 27, 1974
- Vanzant James, son of Ed, August 26, 1924--March 25, 1926
- Rye Alice Evelyn, born & died 1924
- Gray Emma Elizabeth, dau. of WD & EM, born & died March 25, 1916
- Gray Alva, 1886-1967
- Finley Oma L., Dec. 2, 1925--Jan. 8, 1926
- Finley Thomas V., born & died July 22, 1946
- Finley Doglas W., March 16-17, 1949
- 'Finley Luina, dau of WM & AM, sept. 1890--rest illegible
- Cunningham *Mickens C., Co. C, 4th Ky. Inf. C.S.A., no date
- Finley+ John L., Oct. 31, 1898--tlarch 4, 1968
- Finley Mildred H., Sept. 10, 1905--Dec. 2, 1972
- Vanzant Edward H., June 20, 1852--May 6, 1945
- Gray+ William C., August 12,1876--Oct. 5, 1950
- Gray Emma Mary, Sept. 22,,,,1886--Dec. 3, 1966
- Ezell Kenneth Kay, Sept. 2, 1946--Feb. 21, 1970
- Ezell Kenneth DeWayne, Sept. 14--Nov. 13, 1968
- Ezell+ James C., June 19, 1912--
- Ezell Geneva, Dec. 5, 1920--Oct. 22, 1968
- Stallons William L., Feb. 23, 1935--Dec. 26, 1938
- Stallons+ Ivey E., 1892-1938
- Stallons James R., 1891-1947
- Stallons Rexie H., July 17-19, 1938
- Stallons Lloyd Allen, born & died February 1938
- Thomas+ Alfred C., 1883-1961
- Thomas Mamie J., 1888-1970
- Thomas S.E., dau. of Alf & M, Oct. 3, 1922--Jan. 22, 1929
- Thomas Mary Ingram, wife of Willis, died April 14, 1906, age 22, no stone
- Braboy Lora B., January 29, 1879--January 31, 1970
+ (married July 26, 1895)
- Braboy Richard T., March 11, 1871--March 15, 1962
- Futrell Ethel C., Nov. 20, 1892--April 28, 1964
- Futrell John C., May 22, 1887--April 11, 1967
- Futrell Howard, son of JC & E, Feb. 2, 1916--Jan. 11, 1918
- Stallons Bettie A., 1898-1975
- Gray+ Bentley M., June 26, l@96--March 11, 1968
- Gray Peachie A., July 12, 1903--Dec. 6, 1977
- Hendricks Mary E., July 4-5, 1929
- Gray Anna Dean, dau. of B & P, Feb. 9--April 2, 1929
- Gray Omie May, April 27, 1923--March 30, 1929
- Gray Lora & Lucinne, born & died Nov. 3, 1928
- Gray+ Andrew A., June 27, 1891--Dec. 17, 1963
- Gray Lola Jo, Oct. 6, 1901--.
- Gray Homer Moss, son of AA & L, June 30, 1922--July 25, 1923
- Atwood Infant dau. of Eulie & Ruby, born & died 1924
- Stalons+ Esther, June 27, 1910--
- Stalons Oscar, Nov. 2, 1907--
- Gray Odie Blandford, son of Arrice & Eva, Oct. 25, 1927-Sept. 15, 1928
- Gray Doris Lee, son of Arrice & Eva, April 4, 1936--Feb. 21, 1937
- Noel+ Ollie P., Jan. 30, 1897--
- Noel Charley F., Nov. 9, 1891--June 27, 1975
- Tucker Lillian Stallons, 1907-1968
- Baker+ Annie, July 8, 1894-- -
- Baker Felix, June 29, 1891--tliy-9, 1979
- Guier+ Ercil B., Sept. 15, 1900--
- Guier Masco @., June 26, 1887--Feb. 7, 1972
- Baker+ Bessie Rogers, 1886-1973
- Baker Marvin, 1882-1975
- Taylor Arthur, July 8-17, 1939
- Noel+ Maude V., Jan. 28, 1897--April 4, 1958
- Noel Elder E.R., April 2, 1894--Jan. 17, 1964
- Gray Georgie, son of Jas. & SE, Jan. 13, 1889--Dec. 7, 1907
- Vanzant S.P., Feb. 26, 1908--Feb. 28, 1908
- Hall Ollie Carmen, 1905-1941
- Keel+ John H., 1867-1938
- Keel Lorena, 1872-1951
- Mccool Ruth, dau. of MA & RE, 1904-1905
- Keel Effie, Jan. 21, 1897--May 25, 1909
- Keel 1-illie Mae, Sept. 25--Nov. 1, 1905
- Ingram Raymond M., born & died June 26, 1919
- Cunningham Mylus, born & died March 29, 1902
- Sons Madleen, Feb. 10, 1915--April 17, 1941
- Sons+ Sam B., 1880-1950
- Sons Minnie B., 1887-1961
- Jefferson Thomas A., Nov. 23, 1854--April 19, 1916
- Wallace+ Major, 1871-1957
- Wallace Ella, 1873-1951
- Wallace infant of MH & Ella, born & died 1895
- Wallace infant of MH & Ella, born & died 1899
- Wallace infant of FK & Nanney, born & died Feb. 17, 1920
- Casey Tishie, March 11, 1909--July 23, 1941
- Coyal Charles Chester, April 3, 1869--June 18, 1945
- Coyal + Betrice Foutch, Feb. 26, 1884--
- Shaw Margaret Harris, died 1886, no stone
- Shaw Maggie, died 1894, no stone
- Butts Nathaniel, born 1807, no stone
- Shoemaker Malinda Griffin (Mrs. GJ), died Jan. 1870, age 56, no stone
- Wallace + Felix K., January 14, 1897--June 9, 1954
- Wallace Nannie G., January 21, 1898--
- Leneave Diana Luoise, dau. of Bobby, Eo-Ft@ &-died March 28, 1951
- Guier Forrest T., born & died Oct. 1, 1956
- Finley + Alpha, 1871-1952
- Finley William T., 1867-1943
- Stalions Helen, 1866-1933
- Stalions+ Joe M., 1853-1945
- Lancaster Noris Crete, Dec. 5, 1923--Dec. 19, 1923
- Lancaster Clarence Marshall, July 18, 1925--March 1, 1926
- Stallons John M., 1867--Sept. 8, 1934
- Stallons Alice G., 1867--Nov. 23, 1935
- Gray+ Arrice, 1897-1971
- Gray Eva Lena, 1897-1957
- Stallons Alpha, 1879-1937
- Stallons+ Oney, 1872-1951
- Hendricks + John T., 1872-1951
- Hendricks Poly A., 1872-1960
- Gray Teresa Ann, dau. of James & Garvie, born & died Oct. 12, 1946
- Roberts+ Lillian H., 1892-
- Roberts Walter I., 1892-1948
- Cranford Garvie A., Dec. 10, 1895--May 4, 1923
- Stallons Ester Marlow, wife of George, Jan. 8, 1898--
- Aug. 11, 1923
- Guier + Lillie Mae & daughter Thelma, May 20, 1897--Oct. 30, 191S
- Guier Hewitt Smith, June 16, 1890--December 16, 1959
- Finley Omer, Oct. 15, 1895--April 17, 1911 , son of Will
- Finley James Aubrey, son of B & M., July 12, 1920--July 17, 1922
- Finley Layton, son of Burnett & Myrtle, April 25, 1922--June 3, 1923
- Gray+ James, June 12, 1854--Oct. 20, 1934
- Gray Betty Hall, 1857-1939
- Boyd Docia A. Gray, wife of OT, Jan. 20, 1891--Nov. 8, 1914
- Wallace + Ina Ethel, March 20, 1895--Aug. 21, 1956
- Wallace Calvin O., Nov. 9, 1893--June 25. 1970
- Wallace Mallie Lorene, dau. of CO & IE, June 10, 1918--Nov. 27, 1924
- Oliphant Dr. Frank Wilson, son of Elvis Benson &
- Nina Dale Wilson Oliphant, ,September 13, 1912--November 7, 1976
- Mitchell+ Eva Winona, April 19, 1910--
- Mitchell James Edgar, February 2, 1884--Docember 23, 1968
- Harris Lurania A., August 23, 1829--August 1, 1893
- Sumner Hershel V., son of Effie, Aug. 3, 1903--Sept. 15, 1903
- Stallons Effie May Harris, Jan. 6, 1882--April 25, 1971
- Sumner H. Wade, July 6, 1905--February 11, 1977
- Wallace+ Hugh D., Oct. 22, 1873--April 3, 1941
- Wallace Anna P., Jan. 9, 1881--June 30, 1960
- Guier Richard E., July 22, 1879--May 7, 1967
- Guier + Gilbert, 1887-1944
- Guier Docia, 1889-1972
- Rulo Betty J. Wheatt, Feb. 28, 1940--Jan. 11, 1971
- Pope Fathie M., March 29, 1920--March 20, 1958
- Guier Alice Hill, 1905-1978
- Guier Judson F., Nov. 23, 1892--Sept. 5, 1066
- Guier + John Dick, March 18, 1890--Dec. 18, 1968
- Guier Flornie E., Jan. 25, 1896--Feb. 28, 1968
- Guier Ophie, wife of Judson, Sept. 7, 1888--April 7, 1941
- Noel Nancy Dew, wife of Thomas, died 1880, no stone
- Jackson *William W., no stone
- Guier Stanley M., March 8, 1959--March 16, 1975
- Guier Rodney Steven, 1960-1977
- Wallace George, 1839-1915
- Wallace Martha, 1837-1921
- Noel Josie Flo d, June 6, 1893--April 4, 1965
- Noel Hugh Tyler, August 12, 1894--1978
- Adams Louina Noel, Sept. 16, 1921--August 27, 1964
- Wallace Lillie May, Nov. 7, 1870--August 23, 1888
HDW footstone
- Baker Henrietta, 1841-1924
- Foutch Louisa, dau. of JA & S, July 21, 1855--April 28, 1875
- Stalions Jannie, wife of WB, May 3, 1870--Oct. 9, 1895
- Blain William J., son of Jas. & Martha, April 25, 1880--Aug. 21,1882
- Foutch *John, Civil War Veteran, no date
- Guier Lillian Verner, dau. of CE & BF, Dec. 28, 1883--May 4, 1886
- Baker+ Vera N., Aug. 17, 1900--
- Baker Alex D., March 12, 1898--Sept. 22, 1969
- Washer John & wife, no date
- Noel K.P., April 26, 1866--June 16, 1927
- Noel Jennie, Dec. 6, 1875--Nov. 1, 1941
- Noel+ Garmine E., Sept. 27, 1893--
- Noel Oscar C., Nov. 14, 1888--March 18, 1964
- Hall+ Lucian Rascoe, 1902-1932
- Hall+ Willie Marlow, 1866-1935"
- Hall James @., 1862-1948
- Pope William H., 1824-1889
- Guier Alice, wife of Will, died April 1, 1908, age 26
- Noel Cosie Downs, June 16, 1891--Nov. 4, 1976
+ (married Dec. 26, 1909)
- Noel Leon, July 30, 1887--Nov. 29, 1975
- Baker Argie, Sept. 23, 1897--Sept. 29, 1973
- Hall Lois E., born & died 1928
- Hall Johnnie, born & died 1927
- Hall Earle, 1903-1904
- Guier+ William M., Feb. 5, 1875--March 27, 1947
- Guier Julie D., Aug. 15, 1880--Aug. 4, 1949
- Coyle+ J.W. "Cull" 1867-1951
- Coyle Minnie May, 1877-1952
- Coyle John Wilmot, son of JW & MC, Dec. 31, 1916--Feb. 19, 1918
- Coyle Monico, dau. of JW & MC, Oct. 10, 1909--July 5, 1911
- Stallons Agie L, 1885-1938
- Stallons+ Birdie R., 1884-1944
- Stallons Hellon J., wife of AL, May 21, 1885--March 28, 1915
- Coyle+ H.G., Dec. 25, 1844--Dec. 13, 1894
- Coyle Mary, Oct. 20, 1840--July 1, 1916
- Hall John E., Aug. 2, 1821--May 22, 1887
- Hall Bobbie, son of JF & EW, Sept. 12, 1890--Jan. 12, 1895
- Hall Thomas G., 1905-1941
- Baker+ Hed W., March 12, 1857--Dec. 3, 1927
- Baker Mary A., March 28, 1861--Sept. 4, 1891
- Guier George E., March 24, 1863--Jan. 21, 1920
- Guier Betty F May 11, 1863--Oct. 25, 1894
- Guier Lou Ella Jan. 10, 1872--Nov. 10, 1968
- Baker infant son of MB & BM, born & died March 3, 1910
- Coyle John, died 1853, age 80, no stone
- Guier Ira H. W. W. I IJan. 10, 191 7--July 10, 1956
- Bridges Oren Noel, Feb. 2, 1905--March 5, 1954
- Bridges+ Bessie E., 1890-1943
- Bridges Willie S., 1886- here
- Cunningham James, July 28, 1881--March 29, 1888
- Cunningham Malisia A., wife of J., Jan. 8, 1847--March 6, 1896
- Peal Leonard L., Jan. 24, 1884--March 7, 1965
+ (married Dec. 23, 1916)
- Peal Mellie B., March 19, 1894--March 15, 1962
- Smith Elliott H., son of WR & Nannie, Nov. 13, 1899--April 11, 1919
- Smith Runisey H., son of WR & N, June 1, 1906--Sept. 7, 1927
- Smith William R., May 1, 1871--August 27, 1936
- Smith Nannie G., Jan. 10, 1874--Feb. 26, 1965
- Noel Beulah E., 1893-1976
+ (married Feb. 12, 1911)
- Noel Artis Ferd, Nov. 18, 1888--Sept. 29, 1979
- Noel Rexie, 1916-1939
- Noel Montia E., 1897-1955
- Noel A.P., 1890-1926
- Noel Beturia, 1865-1947
- Noel Thomas, March 20, 1861--Oct. 25, 1918
- Noel Preston Boyd, son of RO & MA, June 8, 1917--July 30, 1918
- Noel Mary A., wife of RO, April 25, 1886--May 9, 1919
- Bridges Dannie, Aug. 10, 1892--Jan. 20, 1923
- Dew+ V. Boy(t, Aug. 27, 1882--May 17, 1953
- Dew Lois Almeta, Oct. 14, 1883--1975
- Wallis+ Andrew J., June 24, 1898--Feb. 27, 1959
- Wallis Willie J., Dec. 14, 1899--April 2, 1954
- Hall infant of GM & AM, Sept. 28--Oct. 23, 1896
- Hall Lacia, son of GM & AM, Dec. 6, 1897--April 13,
- 1898
- Noel infant dau. of R.O., born & died 1922
- Noel Addie, wife of RO, Sept. 18, 1896--August 3, 1942
- Noel Rosco Owen, Jan. 17, 1885--July 22, 1954
- Hall+ Lucian N., 1867-1940
- Hall Ollie E., 1881-1905
- Stallons+ Evie Idora, Oct. 23, 1905--
- Stallons Ira Thomas, Nov. 21, 1893--Nov. 22, 1975
- Fowler Ophelia, April 3, 1904--Aug. 19, 1932
- Stallons Elwood Layton, son of Ira, Aug. 23, 1923--April 26, 1934
- Stallons Sylvia Dell, dau. of Ira, Dec. 28, 1920--Jan. 6, 1921
- Stallons Adlene, dau. of Ira, August 9-14, 1913
- Baker inf. dau. of GT & Aurora, born & died Feb. 14, 1908
- Baker Shawda, dau. of GT & A, Jan. 15, 1888--July 23, 1889
- Baker Hodge Pomroy, April 16, 1884--July 23, 1889
- Baker+ Aurora Dellar Harris, April 10, 1863--Dec. 11, 1935
- Baker George Thomas, March 24, 1864--July 27, 1941
- Hendricks Elizabeth B., April 5, 1906--Nov. 14, 1967
- Hooks William Orville, son of HP & Alma, Sept. 20, 1911--Nov. 1, 1912
- Guier Georgie, dau. of FI & LW, 1925-1929
- Guier Floyd Estel, dau. of FI & Wilmoth, Dec. 9, 1918--Feb. 20, 1919
- Guier L. Wilmoth, July 24, 1893--July 27, 1962
+ (married January 13, 1918)
- Guier Forrest Isum, Oct. 27, 1897--April 30, 1969
- Guier Frankie N., May 8--July 11, 1954
- Noel Virginia Estell, 1920-1939
- Noel Denzel Edward Adkins, 1925-1945
- Noel+ Mollie, 1867--May 17, 1907
- Noel Perry, July 28, 1862--March 1, 1935
- Thomas Marshall, 1939-1958
- Harris Ann, 1822-1896
- Harris + Matthew, 1816-1906
- Jackson Norah, wife of JJ,
- Harris infant of WD & SE, born & died June 8, 1885
- Harris infant of WD & SE, March 15--June 10, 1899
- Shoemaker *Joe W., March 17, 1837--Oct. 3, 1877
- Shoemaker G.J., husband of Eliza S., Nov. 30, 1812--Aug. 25, 1890
- Cunningham V. Davis, 1877-1937
- Cunningham + Florence, 1878-1945
- Cunningham Maggie, Oct. 3, 1903--Aug. 13, 1903
- Cunningham James D., son of R _,T & MA, July 14, 1915--Aug. 15, 1917
- Cunningham+ Alice, 1874-1915
- Cunningham Ralph, 1869-1919
- Creekmur Clarence, son of A & AC, Oct. 26, 1890--March 8, 1892
- Cunningham Ophelia, wife of JG, Nov. 22, 1852--Dec. 6, 1872
- Harris Leander B., Feb. 2, 1846--April 19, 1868
- Braboy Lowrandey, Dec. 5, 1850--June 27, 1919
- Braboy George, Feb. 5, 1854--Aug. 23, 1913
- Curtis Teddy-joe, Nov. 14, 1943--March 22, 1952
- Curtis Manervy Ann, July 19, 1839--Oct. 26, 1916
- Curtis Almer, dau. of JL, Aug. 17, 1895--Jan. 2, 1913
- Curtis Eliza, wife of JL, May 26, 1875--Aug. 31, 1904
- Noel Edwin Sr., born Essex Co., Va., died Oct. 13, 1852, age 67
- Noel Achilles, Nov. 8, 1834--Feb. 1, 1857
- Stalons Pinkie E. Harrell, wife of WB, Dec. 28, 1873--April 12, 1911
- Stalons Clayton, son of WB & P, Dec. 1, 1902--Sept. 28, 1904
- Noel Arminta, 1883-1970
- Noel Quint, 1877-1913
- Noel+ Helen Cunningham, Oct. 3, 1841--March 19, 1937
Noel Major, Sept. 21, 1839--April 20, 1912
- Harris Queen V., wife of Andrew, 1875-1955
- Harris Sarah E., wife of WD, Nov. 25, 1866--May 22, 1899
- Dew Fannie, wife of WF, June 6, 1845--Sept. 20, 1896
- Dew *W.F., 1833-1920
- Brayboy Coella Gray, 1904-1944, no stone
- Harris John O., 1850-1861, no stone
- Cunningham Ora Noel, 1908-1946, no stone
- Adams Lucy Hall (Mrs. WB), Aug. 31, 1868--Jan, 23,
- 1934, no stone
- Jackson Mary Jane Foutch, wife of Willie, died Sept. 26, 1906, age 74, no stone
- Stallons+ Earl D., Dec. 30, 1890--Jan. 15, 1979
- Stallons Ella Lindsey, died Januarv 10. 1968
- Stallons Henry Ellis, 1899-1978 (May 7-,,1899--Oct. 29, 1978)
- Hall Terry, Dec. 23, 1900--Nov. 29, 1978
- Braboy Lois N. Noel, Oct. 5, 1903--Dec. 16, 1978