Item I - I direct that my funeral expenses and all my just debts be paid as soon after my death as possible out of my moneys that I may die possessed of or that may first come into the hands of my executor. I also direct my executor if it has not been already done, that a suitable monument be erected on my lot at Mount Olivet not to exceed $100.00. Item II - I direct that all the balance of my real and personal estate be held together under the control of my executor and he shall have power to rent said real estate and to sell such personalty as he may deem best, except that provided for in Item III of this will and after he shall be said rental of said real estate and by said sale of personalty accumulate a fund sufficient to pay off all just debts and funeral expenses then my estate shall be divided as hereinafter provided. Item III - I direct my executor to permit my daughter Emily Allen to have the use or rental of lot no * on Elizabeth Street on which I now reside and consisting of about eight acres and a more particular description of which will be found in Book "B" pages 563-569, Register's Office of Cheatham County, Tn, together with all the household and kitchen furniture and effects of every kind and description in said house, one cow and all the poultry on the premises and feed and provisions for herself and stock for 12 months and he is also to pay her $10.00 per month until my estate is wound up. Both the said feed provisions and monthly payments Is left to the discretion of my executor as to whether the said Emily Allen shall need same for her support. Item IV - I give and devise to my son James M Allen lot no 5. Beginning at a water oak and pointers thence east 20 poles to a stake thence South 60 poles to a beech marked H. thence South 59 1/2 degrees West 33 poles to a stake and elm pointer thence north 84 poles to the beginning containing 8 acres more or less and all of that part of lost no 6 lying on the west side of Illinois Central railroad property. Said lost no 6 is described as follows: Beginning at a state thence East 20 poles to a stake; thence South 53 poles to a sugar tree and white oak pointer Marked H. thence West 8 poles to a hickory; thence South 59 1/2 degrees West 14 poles to a beech marked H thence North 84 poles to the beginning, containing 7 3/4 acres more or less. And lot no 1, consisting of about 3 1/4 acres, except the ferry landing between Puzzle Fool Creek and county line and running back from the river to L A Rhea's line. Said lot no 1 is described as follows: Beginning at a rock the same being a corner of G.W. Hale's lot in Ashland City, thence South 60 degrees West 22 poles to a stake in the mouth of Puzzle Fool Creek thence up Cumberland River North 17 1/2 degrees East 20 poles to an elm; thence north 59 1/12 degrees East 27 poles to an elm marked H. Thence north 31 degrees West about 41 poles to a stake in Cumberland Street 16 feet North of the rock corner of the Ashland City property now G.S.Allen's corner. Thence with said street towards the river 16 feet to said rock corner thence with the North boundary of the said Ashland City property to the beginning. For more particular description of said lots Nos. 1, 5 and 6 will be found in Book "B" pages 563 to 569 and book No. "K" page 416 Register's Office of Cheatham Co. Tn. Item V - I give and devise to my son George S. Allen, Jr.. Lot no 7 beginning at a stake; thence east 20 poles to a stake thence South 53 poles to a small hickory; thence west 20 poles to a stake and pointer, thence North 53 poles to the beginning containing 6 3/4 acres more or less. Also all of that part of lot No. 6 lying on the East side of Illinois Central Railroad Company property. The said lot No. 6 is described as follows. Beginning at a stake thence East 20 poles to a stake; thence South 53 poles to a sugar tree and white oak pointer marked H, thence West 8 poles to a hickory thence South 59 1/2 West 14 poles to a beech marked H. Thence North 84 poles to the beginning containing 7 3/4 acres more or less. Also house and lot No. 2 known as the John N. Allen house and fronting 50 feet on Levee Street and running back between parallel lines 150 feet. And also one-half of a vacant lot No. 1 situated and lying North of said lot No. 2 last above described and said lot fronting 50 feet on Levee Street in Ashland City and running back between paralleled lines, 150 feet in Ashland City and running back between paralleled lines, 150 feet. For more particular description see Book "B:" pages 563 to 569. Item VI - I give bequeath and devise to my son Robert O. Allen one tract of land known as Sydney's Bluff tract consisting of about 167 acres and lying in the 9th Civil District of Cheatham County and described as follows: Beginning at a stake a large chestnut oak beach and hickory pointers in a middle point of Bridge Hollow thence North 22 degrees West 303 poles to a stake and pointers at the mouth of Runaway Hollow near Maxwell House thence North 26 degrees East 31 s/5 poles to a white oak stump on the Jon Par branch thence north 73 degrees East 30 poles to an oak stump on said branch thence North 71 degrees East 12 2/5 poles to a stake at low water mark on Cumberland River thence up said river, with its several meanders to a stake and pointers at low water mark 4 poles above the mouth of Bridge Branch thence South 77 1/2 degrees West 23 poles to a stake and pointer on Bridge Branch thence South 45 degrees West 62 poles to the beginning and being of record in Book "C" page 507 Register's Office at Cheatham County, Tennessee, and one - half interest in ferry and ferry landing between county line and middle of Puzzle Fool Creek and running back from river to L.A. Rhea's line and same being a part of lot No. 1 and for a more particular description see Book"B" page 5632 to 569- Book "G" page 67. See also Book "K" page 416 Register's Office of Cheatham County Tennessee and one-half interest in ferry boat and skiff. Item VII - I give devise and bequeath to my grand children - Eva Felts Demerish, Sam Felts and Emily Felts the children of my deceased daughter E., two farms located in the 13th Civil District of Cheatham County and being on the south side of Cumberland River and is bounded and described as follows. On the East by lands of Mrs Fannie Morris, on the west, by lands of William Oliver on the South by lands of ..... on the North by River. The said land consist of two tracts and is known as the Henry Oliver land and Island tract and for a more particular description of which reference is here made to Book "H" page 100 and also book --- page --- Register's Office of Cheatham County, Tn. One vacant lot front 50 feet on Levee Street in lines the same being lot No. 4 and lying on the north of L.A. Rheas property at River and being in first civil District of Cheatham County, Tn. The said property to be divided equally between the said children. I desire that the property give to said Eva Felt Dimerich and Emily Felts to be free from debts contracts and liabilities of all persons whosoever and is give to them for their sole and separate use. Item VIII - I give bequeath and devise to Robert O. Allen, in trust for my daughter Emily Allen lot No. 8 describes as follows: Beginning at a stake thence East 24 poles to a stake thence North 54 poles to a beech marked H. Thence west 24 poles to a small hickory thence North 54 poles to the beginning containing 8 acres more or less and for more particular description see Book "B" pages 563 to 569 Register's Office of Cheatham County, Tennessee. Also house and lot on corner of Levee and Cumberland Streets and described as follows: Lot No. 8 beginning at a rock on the South side of Cumberland Street it being the corner of the Ashland City properties on Levee and Cumberland Streets thence south 29 degrees East 50 feet to a stake thence South 60 degrees West 150 feet to a stake thence North 30 degrees West 37 1/2 feet to a stake thence North 51 degrees East 150 to the beginning. See Book "C" page 86 Register's Office of Cheatham County Tennessee for more particular description. Also one-half of lot No. 1 lying South of the above described lot. The said lot No. --- fronts 50 feet on Levee Street and runs back 150 feet between paralleled lines. Also a one-half interest in ferry and ferry landing between county line and middle of Puzzle Fool Creek and running back from river to L.A. Rhea's line and the same being part of lot No. 2 and for a more particular description see Book "B" pages 563 to 569 Book "G" page 67 - see also Book "K" page 416 Register's Office of Cheatham County Tennessee and a one-half interest in ferry boat and skiff. All of the household and kitchen furniture and effects of every kind and description in my dwelling house - one cow and all the poultry on the premises. Item IX - I appoint Robert O. Allen trustee for my daughter Emily Allen. The property and effects give to said Robert O. Allen in trust for Emily Allen under Item VIII of this will to be free from debts, contracts or liabilities of all persons whomsoever and all the property described in item VIII of this will is to be held by her Trustee for her sole and separate use and benefit. The duties and powers of said Trustee are to take charge of said property, collect rents, make necessary repairs and to pay taxes, and to pay her (the said Emily Allen) the balance of the rents and profits for her support and maintenance. The said trustee is to have the power to grand sell, and convey all or any part of said personal property and real estate when in his judgment he deems it necessary and advisable and in such event the conveyance to be as joint act between the said Trustee and my daughter Emily Allen. But should said real estate be sold then the said Trustee is to reinvest the money in other real estate and to hold same conditions of this will. The said Emily Allen is to have the right to dispose of all her property by her last will and testament. In the event of the death, resignation or refusal of said Robert O. Allen to act as said trustee for Emily Allen then I appoint George S. Allen, Jr., as said Trustee for said Emily Allen. Item X - I give and devise to Emily Allen, George S. Allen, Jr., James M. Allen and Robert o. Allen my lot in Mount Olivet Cemetery, the same to be held by them for a burying ground. Item XI - All the real and personal property herein before mentioned and described in this will is given upon condition that my will shall not be contested. In the event that either of my children or grandchildren or those representing them resort to legal proceeding to prevent or set aside the probate of this my will or to contest it such devisee shall receive nothing but shall forfeit all right to the said devised Realty and it shall go to the other children who do not contest same and be divided between them equally. Item XII - I appoint Robert O. Allen executor of my estate without bond or security. Herman Loeb - John R. Minton (or Winston) this 15th day of January 1907. Certified for probate this 6th day of October 1914. First, I desire to withdraw and take from said will all of Item III, VIII and IX. I desire also to withdraw and take from Item VII of said will the hereinafter described property therein given to my grand-children Eva Felts Demerick, Sam Felts and Emily Felts; One vacant lot fronting 50 feet on Levee Street in Ashland City, Tn and running back between paralleled lines 150 feet the same being lot No. 4 lying on the North side of L.A. Rhea's property at river and being in 1St Civil District of Cheatham County Tennessee and now desire to give and devise the above described lot No. 4 to my son George S. Allen, Jr.. Item II - I give bequeath and devise to my Daughter Mrs. Emily Allen Harper the hereinafter described property and the same is given to her for her sole and separate use, and free from the debts and liabilities of all persons whomsoever: Lot No. 8 described as follows: Beginning at a stake thence East 24 poles to a stake, thence South 54 poles to a beech marked "H" thence West 24 poles to a small hickory thence North 54 poles to the beginning containing eight acres more or less and for more particular descriptions see Book "B", page 563 to 569 R. O. C. C. Tn. Also house and lot on corner of Levee and Cumberland Streets and described as follows: Lot No. 8 beginning at a rock on the South side of Cumberland Street -0- it being the corner of the Ashland City property on Levv Street and Cumberland, thence South 29 degrees East thence North 30 degrees West 37 1/2 feet to a stake thence North 51 degrees East 150 feet to the beginning. See Book "C" page 86 R. O. C. C. Tennessee for more particular description. Also one-half of lot number 1 lying South of the above described lot the said lot fronts 50 feet on Levee Street in Ashland City, Tennessee and running back between paralleled lines 150 feet. Also a one-half interest in ferry boat and skiff and in ferry and ferry landing between county line and middle of Puzzle Fool Creek and running back from Cumberland river at low water mark to L.A. Rhea's line and the same being a part of lot No. 1 and for more particular description see book "B" pages 563 to 569, Book "G" page 67 - see also book "K" page 416 R.O>C.C. Tenn. Also all the household and kitchen furniture and effects of every kind and description in my dwelling house. These are all the changes I desire to make in this my will and now I reaffirm and acknowledge all of this will except the items and parts of items hereinbefore expressly withdrawn. Lastly it is my desire that this codicil be attached to and constitute a part of my will to all intent and purposes. This 9th day of September 1908. Signed and published in our presence an we have subscribed our names hereto in the presence of the testator and at his request, this 9th day of September 1908. A or G.A. McCornico?? R.F. Heathman Certified for probate this 6th day of October 1914. Return to the Allen Home Page |