Memorial Biographies of General Baptist Ministers
of the
Union Association

The Rev. E. Y. Laslie was born December 8, 1893, and departed this life September 8, 1952. He united with Shady Grove General Baptist Churcha at Poole, Kentucky, in 1920. He obtained his license to preach in 1921 and was ordained to the work of the ministry in 1923.

In Indiana, he pastored Owensville and Mt. Pleasant churches, near Mt. Vernon. He also pastored Mt. Lebanon (his first pastorate), Corydon, UnionHill, Free Union, tilden, Freericks Chapel, Providence, Clay, Livermore, Dixon, and Shady Grove churches of Union Association of kentucky. Rev. Laslie was the pastor of Shady Grove at the time of his death. Several churches were dedicated and re-dedicated by Rev. Laslie. during his pastorate at Union Hill, the church there was re-built and Rev. Laslie dedicated the building.

He held his first revival in 1921 at Mt. Lebanon with Rev. W. W. Oakley as pastor. There were 23 conversions. He held numerous revivals all during his active ministry and many souls were led to the Lord during these years.

There is no way of knowing the number of funerals that Rev. Laslie conducted, for he had the insight and sympathy to make each service a comfort to the hearts of the bereaved. He held funerals for young and old and assisted the other denominations with theirs. Just two days before his last illness he conducted a funeral.

The number of baptisms, too, is unknown, but it was a great joy and pleasure to Rev. Laslie to hold this service.

In addition to Rev. Laslie's ministry and church work he taught in the Poole (Ky.) high school for 26 years. He preached bacalaureate sermons to 19 different graduating classes at Poole, as well as others at nearby school.

In 1935 Rev. Laslie united his first couple in marriage. The groom was one of his high school pupils, and since that time, the majority of his pupils have come to him to be married.

Rev. Laslie's hobby was poety. He loved to read good poetry an d was successful in composing his own.

* - Source - History of Union Association of General Baptist 1840 - 1953
M.D. Mc Donald

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