Memorial Biographies of General Baptist Ministers
of the
Union Association

Elder George P. Cavanaugh
Elder Cavanaugh was born in Christian County, Kentucky, February 8, 1823. Under the preaching of two General Baptist ministers, Elder George W. McAndrews and Elder James M. Hunt, he became concerned about his soul's salvation. He turned his eyes to Him and heard Him say lovingly, "Thy sins are all forgiven thee, take my yoke upon you and you shall find rest to your soul." An opportunity was given the same night, being the 6th of September 1842, and he united with the General Baptist Church and was baptized by Elder J. M. Hunt. His desire to serve God for what he had done for him increased daily, and in the spring of 1843 the church recommended him to the presbytery and he was licensed to preach the 15th of April, 1943.

That fall Union Association met in the settlement where he lived, and he attended. Elder Benoni Stinson was there, and prevailed on him to go to school. so in November, 1843, he set out for the State of Indiana, where he entered school. It was later said of him that "He became one of the brightest stars, and ablest preachers, not only as compared with General Baptists, but with those of any denomination." Before he died he compiled for the General Baptists an elegant hymn book, which has had several editions, and has been the most popular hymn book ever used by the General Baptists. He died at Owensville, Indiana, September 20, 1863, at the age of 40 years.

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