Hopson Runs Second In Prexy Race
Senators and Representatives Are Also Chosen
After one of the hottest campaigns ever to be conducted at Trigg High, Tom Vinson, Senior from cadiz, Route 3, tallied a majority of the votes casts by the student body on Thursday, September 23, to become president of the Student Council This office is the highest honor which the tudent body can confer upon one of its members.
Tom met stiff opposition in the persons of candidates Gordon, Gray, Cadiz, Roue 4, frank Mc Atee, Cadiz Route 1, Mary White, Cadiz and Winthorp Hopson, persons of candididates Gordon members of the senior class and had been nominated by the class.
Immediately following the nomination of the five seniors for the office, ardent supporters of each candidate began to gather forces and launch a political attack against the undecided members of the student body. Black boards in all class rooms were hourly filled with such sloagans as "Vote for Vinson" only to be replaced the following hour by "Vote for Gray" or some other candidate. The library and gymnasium were spotted with huge posters and drawings.
The campaign reached its peak when on Wednesday morning September 22, each "president prospective" addressed the student body from the stage during the chapel period. Even though each candidate expressed his desire to be elected, the real keynote of each speech seemed to be, "May you choose the person best suited an qualified to fill this office."
Ballots were passed out Thursday morning to the student body during home room period and votes were cast. At the counclusion of the voting, a committee composed of a representative from each class tallied the casting. Vinson headed the list with Hopson following second. Other members of the Student Council who were elected at this time were:
Senior Senator, Earl Perry, Senior representatives, Lysbeth Long, Ann Egerton; Junior Senator, Banche Thomas; Junior representative, Tommy Cunningham; Sophomore senator, Saral Major; Sophmore representative, Geneva Redd, Cleland Smith and Ronella Morris; Freshman senator, Jimmie Calhoun; Freshman representative, Mary Ann Baker, eighth grade senator, Emma Lou Henderson, eighth grade represenative, Margaret P'Poole; seventh grade senator, Louise Son--, seventh grade representative Clara Nell Bridges.
Reading from left to right the students, pictured above are members of the Trigg County Hi, Student Government. Reading from left to righ they are:
Geneva Redd, Blanche Thomas, Ann Egerton, Margjorie McBride, Tommy Cunningham, Cleveland Smith, Early Perry Jr., Ronella Morris, Mary Ann Baker, Emilu Henderson, and Elizabeth Long. Other members of the Student Government and whos epictures we were unable to obtain are: Sara Frances Major, Clarence Frances, Jimmy Calhoun, Clara Nell Bridges and Louise Sons.