Rocky Ridge Cemeteries
Old Rocky Ridge Cemetery
Thomasson Mattie G. Hester, wife of JJ, Nov. 12, 1866--Nov. 27, 1894
Hester Richard W., Jan. 28, 1845--Feb. 24, 1887
Wash Lucy A., wife of JW, Aug. 28, 1848--Sept. 21, 1886
Thomasson J.J., Jan. 9, 1858--April 16, 1907, no stone
Watkins *Aaron, no stone
Rocky Ridge Church Cemetery - (New) - Negro
Tandy Helen, 1919-1972
Wharton Mose, 1894-1965
Wharton Mattie, 1895-1967
Ladd Reverend Paul A., died June 8, 1971, age 74 yrs 9 mos.
Ladd Louise T., died July 13, 1974, aqe 66
Kirby Della, 1933-1975
Ladd Hurbert, died June 10, 1965, age 18
Irvin John Thomas, Jan. 10, 1928--Jan. 23, 1961
Irvin+ Reverend Joseph, 1882-1959
Irvin Felicia E., 1884-
Irvin Eugene, Oct. 25, 1905--May 29, 1968
Russell Josie B., Aug. 7, 1926--Oct. 11, 1965
Harris Edward W., Oct. 6, 1870--Sept. 17, 1960
Miles Bin, died May 8, 1954
Brame Mary Robinson, 1885-1910
Brame James H., 1850-1906
Grubbs Ora L., Feb. 14, 1889--Jan. 27, 1952
Grubbs Mother and father, no dates or other names
Hopson Theodore R., son of Eff & Della, Sept. 1, 1901--June 6, 1907
Hollowell Lucile, Sept. 12, 1914--Nov. 1, 1936
Watkins Cass, June 26, 1858--March 20, 1941
Watkins Serleaner, May 15, 1885--June 27, 1971
Wilson Pvt. Wheeler, W.W.II, Feb. 28, 1918--Oct. 3, 1959
Watkins Alfreo,,,J., July 18, 1942--Dec. 30, 1965
Gude Aaron, died March 6, 1964, age 80
Thomas Ella V., 1949-1970
Robinson Virgie L, died Oct. 27, 1965, age 56
Irvin Hollis, died March 10, 1969, age 74
Irvin Richard D., Ky. Pvt. Korean War, June 26, 1932--March 24, 1974
Kennedy Minnie D., 1906-1967
Kirby Rubin E., 1893-1972
Kirby John Shalmon, 1901-1972
Quisenberry Hershel G., 1904-1975
Pettit Flossie L., 1908-1977
Jones Christopher, born & died 1977
Kirby Morton L., 1928-1977
Kirby Mary Lula, 1897-1977
Kirby John E., died April 5, 1968, age 65
Hunter Ruby E., 1925-1963
Redd Cirt, Pvt. W.W. I, March 16, 1886--Aug. 29, 1961
Kirby Orb, died April 1, 1961, age 73
Giles Julia O., April 9, 1900--March 16, 1974
Jiles Mary Lee, 1911-1975
Jiles Massie, 1901-1978
Edwards Mary T., 1927-1956
Taylor Helen, 1911-1966
Smith Lenora M., 1921-1968
Turner Lillie M., died July 15, 1968, age 54
Harris Elsie Lorene, 1929-1974
Turner Rubin G., 1899-1970
Kirby Ross, June 16, 1864--March 17, 1922
Irvin Marcellous, April 2, 1908--Oct. 3, 1964
Gaines *Wyatt, no date
Gaines Dave, no date
Irvin Rheuben D., 1910-1963
Irvin+ Robert W., 1875-1947
Irvin Sallie Harriett, 1871-here
Irvin Mary E., Oct. 23, 193 --@Dec. 10, 1948
Kerby Mallie, 1856-1938
Kerby Glorie, died Aug. 18, 1947
Jiles Massie Jr., March 17, 1926--Sept. 19, 1959
Watkins Ivy, 1896-1927
Darden Bev. Beniamine L., Feb. 11, 1890--Nov. 14, 1950
Hobson J.R., Nov. 7, 1907--Dec. 7, 1925
Gude Lucy, July 10, 1917--Aug. 24, 1959
Lander Robert Marion, 1933-1934
Tandy John N., 1901-1963
Tandy Edd, KY Pvt w W-I, April 16, 1889--Sept. 10, 1966
Radford Henry, 1865-'19i4
Grooms Sylvia, 1872-1933
Irvin Felicia A., born & died June 11, 1946
Irvin Joe, born & died June 12, 1942
Irvin Sissie M., June 20, 1871--Aug. 4, 1950
Wilson+ Simon, July 10, 1890--Nov. 2, 1962
Wilson Rosetta, May 22, 1898--Aug. 30, 1966
Ladd Seberlia, 1894-1975
Ladd Dock,--1900-1965
Ladd John M., died May 24, 1971
Campbell Della, died Aug. 2, 1960, age 61 yrs. 8 months
Turner Biddie Kerby, 1872-1940
Turner Willie, 1874-1948
Ford,, Cass Sr., Nov. 17, 1888--May 20, 1962
Ford"'- Serena, July 22, 1896--Aug. 26, 1970
Ford Allen W., 1928-1973
Brindon *George, no stone
Sutfin+ Aara I., March 8, 1893--Nov. 23, 1970
Sutfin Larkin L., Aug. 1, 1886--June 5, 1951
Grooms Margie, Jan. 9, 1897--Oct. 4, 1963
Hollowell Susie B., died Nov. 10, 1972, age 66
Hollowell John, Aug. 8, 1890--Aug. 16, 1964
McGee Julia C., 1916-1974
Irvin Buetta L., dau. of RW & Sallie H., May 10, 1900--March 26,
Jessup Bittie, July 3, 1895--May 12, 1922
Ladd Cecelia, Feb. 22, 1892--Nov. 8, 1921
Jessup Lucy J., Sept. 9, 1900--Jan. 17, 1954
Hobson Annie Virginia, died Dec. 16, 1978, age 71
Hobson James Franklin, died Jan. 12, 1979, age 43
Wilson Estelle Bingham, died September 12, 1979, age 75
Sellers - Mt. Vernon, In