Creekmur Cemetery - Adjoining Mitchell)
Creekmur+ Malaci, 1779--April 9, 1811
Creekmur wife
Creekmur George, born 1778,(War of 1812)
Creekmur Nancy Cunningham,'Wife of George, no date
Creekmur George Owen, son of A & N, Oct. 18, 1845--1850
Creekmur Spunk, 1882-1968
Creekmur Mary Jane, 1852-1857
Stone Mildred A., wife of WA, Nov. 2, 1880--March 6, 1916
Smith Eunice, dau. of FA & Sarah, Dec. 16, 1872--July 27, 1911
Peal Waymon G., April 1, 1848--March 21, 1871
King Mary Ann, May 2, 1819--Aug. 16, 1869
Creekmur children of George & Nancy--Mark Mary, Malinda, Tommie,
Ambie, Grasty, Nancy, Lina & Ell@n (no dates, just names)
Peal Harvey, born July 11, 1820, no stone
Peal Emily Creekmur, no stone
Peal Harvey, born Nov. 19, 1849, no stone
Peal William M., died Nov. 13, 1857, no stone
Peal Sarah Creekmur, wife of W., no stone
Sellers - Mt. Vernon, In