Memorial Biographies of General Baptist Ministers
of the
Union Association

The Rev. Claude Threlkeld was converted in 1907 at White Oak General Baptist church; joined that church and was baptized by the Rev. L. L. Todd.

In 1922 he was ordained to the office of Deacon, and served in that capacity until he was ordained to the full work of the ministry by Union Association of General Baptists on June 12, 1949.

He has preached 656 sermons; witnessed 84 professions of faith in the Saviour; baptized 22 candidates; held 18 revivals; conducted 8 funerals; dedicated two churches, and has pastored the following churches: Barnetts Chapel, Cedar Grove, Mt. Pleasant, Mt. Olivet and Gum Grove.

* - Source - History of Union Association of General Baptist 1840 - 1953
M.D. Mc Donald

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