Memorial Biographies of General Baptist Ministers
of the
Union Association

The Rev. B. A. Mercer accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior in June, 1943. He says there are two people whom he would like to mention that helped lead him to the Lord. They were his mother, and the Rev. M. L. Clark who was the pastor at Duvall's Chapel church of General Baptists at that time, and who took him into that church.

He felt the call to preach for some time, but kept putting it off until when his father died in March, 1948, he said "Yes, Lord, I will go," and he has been glad ever since.

He was licensed to preach when the Association met at Owensboro in October, 1948; was ordained to the full work of the ministry in 1949 at Mt. Gilead church.

He pastored the following churches: Mud River Union, Union Ridge, Baugh's Station, Olive Grove, and at present has full time pastorate at White Oak church

He has preached 650 sermons, witnessed 150 conversions, held 20 revivals, conducted 8 funerals, baptized 45, and married 15 couples.

He has been wonderfully blessed in his short ministry and he desired the prayers of all those who know the worth of prayer.

* - Source - History of Union Association of General Baptist 1840 - 1953
M.D. Mc Donald

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