Judge Thomas C. Dabney died at his home in Cadiz last Friday morning.
He was the father of Lieut. A.J. Dabney, of South Kentucky College, and a cousin of Mrs.. E. Guynn, of this city.
Judge Dabney has long been a prominent figure in the courts of this Judicial district. When a young man he served four years as County Judge of Trigg county.
In 1859 he was elected to fill out the unexpired term of Judge Cook, of Princeton, in this circuit and serveed five years on the bench. In 1874 he made the race for Judge of the Corut of Appeals and was defeated by Judge William Lindsay after a close and complimentary contest. As a lawyer he enjoyed an influential practice.
He was firm in his convictions and true to every trust imposed upon him. He was long a leading member of the Christian church, and his place at the bar and in the pew will be sadly missed by those who are familiar with his noble character and worthy service in god and humanity. He was buried Sturday afternoon. A large gathering of friends followed the remains to their last resting place. His noble life will long be remembered by those who enjoyed his friendship and acquaintance.
Hopkinsville New Era
Nov 1886
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