Old Fredonia Cemetery
Fredonia Quadrangle Longitude 37.12'42" N Latitude 88.03'39" W
Fredonia-- (Crider Cem. in OAP 1968 -- Old Fredoina in CCA 1998)
hwy 902, 1 1/2 mi N of Fredonia behind Marion Ivy Phelps res.
or hwy 91, 0.6 mi. from Fredonia, on hill after end of Hugh Yates Rd.-- 200 yrds. into woods.
Old Fredonia Cemetery
Photos by Donnie Boone
April, 2010
This picture was made of the Old Fredonia Cemetery after the 2009 Ice Storm.
For two Saturdays the Caldwell Co., Ky. Cemetery Board and Volunteers
cut limbs, cleaned, and burned brush and leaves.
On April 9th before the volunteers cleaned the cemetery the second time,
Ken and Peggy Gilkey were given a tour of both Old Fredonia and
Livingston Presbyterian or Centerville Cemetery by Donnie Boone.
Above Donnie, in front is showing Ken some of the old stones.
At this time the cemetery had been partialy cleaned by the
Cemetery Board and
Volunteers but there was still lots to be done
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